CategorySelf Development

Jumping Down is Easy, Walking Down is Hard


  We often hear the phrase “it’s easy to jump, but hard to walk,” which encapsulates a profound truth about human behavior and decision-making. This simple yet insightful adage suggests that taking the initial leap into a new endeavor might seem simple, but navigating the journey that follows requires patience, strategy, and persistence. This concept resonates in various...



A lot of people live an unfulfilled life. It is a customary problem. People often say they feel lost, isolated, demotivated, and trapped by their responsibilities. They always think that the challenges they face are too significant to overcome. Such as; debt, a lack of direction, being trapped by a well-paid job they don’t find rewarding, financial and family commitments, fear of failure...

Happy Father’s Day!


It was Father’s Day yesterday, and everyone celebrated their dads and brothers, generally; male role models and father figures. The energy was vibrant and celebratory everywhere. I am reminded of one thing, though; around this time last year, on the previous Father’s Day, I remember I wanted to call my dad to wish him a happy Father’s Day, but I got distracted and forgot to.  A...

Aspire to Perspire and Why I’ll always choose Substance over Form


Well done is better than well said – Benjamin Franklin Last month, my friend informed me that she was relieved from her senior management position in a startup company she joined last year. She was relieved not because she was bad but because the company had to make the painful decision to cut down her workforce by over 70%. This was a company that had raised over $20 million dollars in pre...

Moving On to Greater Things! Not Seeing You in a Jiffy…


One of the best decisions I have made this year was cutting off my tailor, even though I had already paid him to make four kaftans for me. But then, I had to cut him off with the money when he kept on posting me week after week. Now, before you judge me on including something as vain as what I wear as one of my best decisions this year, at least hear me out. You see, I have always known how I...