CategorySelf Development

Navigating Life’s Storms: A Bad Day Does Not Equate to a Bad Life


Life is a journey filled with peaks and valleys, triumphs and tribulations. Some days, the sun shines brightly, and everything falls into place seamlessly. Other days, however, seem to be shrouded in darkness, with challenges lurking around every corner. During these darker moments, we may find ourselves questioning the trajectory of our lives, wondering if a series of bad days signifies a bad...

No Time To Check Time: Embrace Every Moment


In life, time is our most valuable asset. Each passing moment is like a ripe berry waiting to be plucked. We have the power to make the most of these opportunities or let them slip away. Imagine a bustling market filled with colorful berries. Each berry represents a chance for us to act, to seize the day, and to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Every decision we make...

Stay in Your Lane: Life Lessons from Dad’s Driving Wisdom


In the winding narrative of life, where the roads twist and turn unpredictably, a cherished lesson from a simple driving session with my dad remains etched in my memory—a lesson that transcends the mere act of steering a vehicle: “stay in your lane.” As a young, nervous driver clutching the wheel for the first time, my father’s reassuring presence melted my anxieties. But this was no...

Leveling the Playing Field of Talent Through Learning


In a world where talent comes in many shapes and forms, it’s easy to feel overshadowed by those who seem to possess natural gifts beyond our reach. From striking looks and exceptional intellect to dulcet voices and magnetic personalities, it’s tempting to believe that success is reserved for the chosen few who are blessed with innate talent. But what if I told you that everyone has a...

FOMO Friend or Foe? My Social Media Scroll of Self-Discovery


Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and felt a pang of envy? Maybe your feed explodes with friends vacationing or living in your dream country, while you’re stuck in the office. Or perhaps everyone seems to be attending the hottest new restaurant, concerts, events, and weddings and you wonder when will be my turn and leaving you with a bowl of cereal, and a serious case of...

The Mental Gym: How Difficulties Work Out the Mind


Just as a sculptor shapes a block of marble into a masterpiece through diligent labor, so too does the mind refine itself through the trials and tribulations of life. The analogy that “Difficulties strengthen the mind as labor does the body” encapsulates the profound truth that challenges are not hindrances but rather catalyst for growth and resilience. When faced with difficulties...

Generation Debt: Navigating Financial Challenges in Your 20s and 30s in Nigeria


In a rapidly changing economic landscape like Nigeria, young adults face unique financial challenges that can impact their lives well into the future. While the concept of student loans may not be as prevalent here as it is in some other countries, the rising inflation rate and the depreciation of the Naira against the dollar present significant hurdles for individuals in their 20s and 30s. As...

Adulting Level Up: Broke to Ballin on a Budget (Because Noodles Can Only Get You So Far and Are Not Cheap Again)


Alright, friends. We’ve all been there, your bank account looking like a barren desert. Let’s face it, budgets can be a real buzzkill. Imagine all the exciting things you could buy, such as a fancy new gadget, from Cardtonic, movie tickets, or a spontaneous Eastern holiday (hello, Bali!). But instead, you are grabbing onto your hats and calculating…! Saving money does not have to be...

The Naira’s Dance: Should We Save in Local or Foreign Currency?


 Ah, the naira. A familiar companion with an occasionally surprising rhythm. As Nigerians, we are intimately familiar with this dance. Some days it dances against the dollar, gaining value, while others it falls, leaving us wondering if it will ever rise again. This constant movement prompts the question: where do we keep our hard-earned money? Naira or something more stable, such as the mighty...

5 Sneaky Money Leaks Sabotaging Your Budget (and How to Fix ‘Em for Good!)


Let’s face it, money is important. But let’s also be real: adulting is hard, and keeping your finances afloat can feel like navigating a leaky ship in a storm. But I argue you to “be still” and fear not, fellow financial disciples!  Every day, 99% of people on the planet think about money when they wake up,  how to make money, how to make more money, how to make it fast, and how to...