
Nobody’s Got It All Together (But That’s Okay!)


No one actually has their life perfectly figured out. Shocking, right?  We scroll through social media seeing these amazing highlight reels of people traveling the world, acing their careers, and rocking flawless relationships, and it’s easy to feel like we’re falling short. But here’s the truth: everyone is winging it, even those who seem to have it all. So let’s let go...

The Psychology Behind “Walk a Mile in My Shoes”


We’ve all heard it: “Walk a mile in my shoes.” It’s a common plead for empathy, urging someone to see things from our perspective. But have you ever stopped to wonder if a true walk in another’s shoes is even possible? Social media feeds are flooded with so-called curated perfectionists. I was blown away as I scrolled through people’s perspectives on June 25th...

Who would be at my funeral


No, I’m not dying young. I hope you don’t die young too. That you live long enough to make enough mistakes. Not to be overly theatrical. But don’t you occasionally wonder who will attend your funeral? Do you not think about life after death? For the ordinary African, and especially my mother, this is the most invasive thought. But I’m truly fascinated about it. I pray to God...



In the stillness of the early morning, as the sun begins to rise and cast its golden light, there’s a moment to reflect on a powerful truth: our today is a reflection of our yesterday, just as it shapes our tomorrow. Every joy, every pain, every decision we’ve made has led us to this very moment. And what we do today will craft the story of our future. Look back at your life’s journey. Think of...

Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace: Embracing the Evolution of Work


In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the future isn’t a distant concept—it’s happening now. From the rise of automation to the integration of AI in HR processes, and the profound impacts of the gig economy (refers to a labor market characterized by short-term, temporary, or freelance work arrangements as opposed to traditional full-time employment), the workplace is undergoing a...

Leveling the Playing Field of Talent Through Learning


In a world where talent comes in many shapes and forms, it’s easy to feel overshadowed by those who seem to possess natural gifts beyond our reach. From striking looks and exceptional intellect to dulcet voices and magnetic personalities, it’s tempting to believe that success is reserved for the chosen few who are blessed with innate talent. But what if I told you that everyone has a...

Dopamine: Friend or Foe?


In the realm of neuroscience, few neurotransmitters have garnered as much attention and fascination as dopamine. Often dubbed the “feel-good” chemical. Dopamine plays a central role in our brain’s reward system, influencing our moods, behaviors, and motivations. But is dopamine truly a harbinger of pleasure and happiness, or does its influence extend into darker territories of...

FOMO Friend or Foe? My Social Media Scroll of Self-Discovery


Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and felt a pang of envy? Maybe your feed explodes with friends vacationing or living in your dream country, while you’re stuck in the office. Or perhaps everyone seems to be attending the hottest new restaurant, concerts, events, and weddings and you wonder when will be my turn and leaving you with a bowl of cereal, and a serious case of...

Positive Attitude: The Secret to Happiness


Life is a journey, an ever-unfolding adventure brimming with moments of triumph and challenge, joy and sorrow. Yet, amidst this grand tapestry of existence, there exists a quiet force, an intangible power that shapes our perceptions and determines our paths – our attitude. Indeed, the way we approach life, the lens through which we view its myriad experiences, holds the key to unlocking a world...

The Mental Gym: How Difficulties Work Out the Mind


Just as a sculptor shapes a block of marble into a masterpiece through diligent labor, so too does the mind refine itself through the trials and tribulations of life. The analogy that “Difficulties strengthen the mind as labor does the body” encapsulates the profound truth that challenges are not hindrances but rather catalyst for growth and resilience. When faced with difficulties...