
Carpe Diem: Welcoming Life’s Fleeting Nature


In the busy journey of life, the reminder of our mortality can sometimes darken our hopes and daily pursuits. Oddly enough, embracing the unavoidable reality of the last curtain call, can propel us to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. It is a paradox, where the acknowledgement of an end becomes a driving force for a vibrant existence.  However, this consciousness nudges us to prioritize...

Humanity: The Most Beautiful Tragedy 


In the vast cosmos, humanity exists as a profound paradox, a tapestry woven from threads of beauty and tragedy. It is a story marked by resilience, compassion, and boundless creativity intertwined with the harsh realities of suffering and struggle. At the core of this paradox is the profound capacity for love and connection that defines our species. The beauty of humanity lies in the way we can...

The Journey of Time our feet are yet to walk


Do you ever look around and wonder where time has gone?  You wonder how did I get so old?  and wonder what happened to your dreams, did they happen yet? and if they have happened, yay, I am so glad for you. And I hope you are happy. Are you happy though? Is there happiness to have at the end of all this? Would you tell us if we are walking a path where there’s some happiness at the end, or are...



Just like the astronaut, floated out in space, surrounded by the endless darkness and silence of the cosmos, so was I,  on this fateful day, lost in thoughts, thinking about my life, how I will make mama proud, what have I not done to be successful yet it looks as though life is not fair to me, how will I eventually be a man and a man of my woman’s dream, series of pictures flying through...

Maximizing Setbacks 


These days it’s easy to come across articles on how to be successful. It’s what we all desire, to win; nobody wants to be associated with failing, not even me. Unfortunately, life is full of surprises, and we are rarely prepared for setbacks because who plans in life anticipating failure? With the few years I’ve spent on earth, I’ve learnt to accept setbacks as part of...

Ignore the Crow, Just Soar Higher


The crow is the only bird in the world that dares attack an eagle. It perches on the eagle’s back and pecks its neck. However, the eagle doesn’t waste time to respond or fight back nor expend any energy on it. Instead, the eagle opens its wings and starts to fly as high as possible. The higher the eagle flies, the harder it becomes for the crow to breathe. Eventually, the crow will...

Stillness In The Workplace


What’s up, people! You may be wondering what this is about without getting started. Not to worry, nothing here will shock you. Lol.  I am currently reading a book titled Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday. The author explains Stillness as the key to someone who is always moving forward. Look at stressors, such as long hours, negativity, and deadlines. You might learn to navigate them all...

Embracing Individuality: Why Comparison Steals Your Joy


In a world driven by social media and the constant need for validation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. We find ourselves scrolling through carefully curated profiles, measuring our lives against others. Yet, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” In this article, we delve into the profound truth behind this statement and explore how...

Authenticity Shines its Brightest When We Have Nowhere to Hide


In a world often clouded by facades, embracing authenticity becomes a powerful beacon. It is a courageous act that sets us free from the confines of societal expectations, allowing us to live sober and inspire others to do the same.  When we shed the masks and pretences, our true selves emerge, radiating genuine beauty. It means being real, vulnerable, and unapologetically ourselves, not...



Have you ever stopped to think exactly what you want from life? If you ever considered this question, you might have taken this first step toward self-discovery but haven’t discovered a path toward achieving your primary goals.  Your values, dreams, traits, and talent may not always seem to matter much in the rush of daily life. But awareness of these features can give you many pictures of your...