In a rapidly changing economic landscape like Nigeria, young adults face unique financial challenges that can impact their lives well into the future. While the concept of student loans may not be as prevalent here as it is in some other countries, the rising inflation rate and the depreciation of the Naira against the dollar present significant hurdles for individuals in their 20s and 30s. As...
Adulting Level Up: Broke to Ballin on a Budget (Because Noodles Can Only Get You So Far and Are Not Cheap Again)
Alright, friends. We’ve all been there, your bank account looking like a barren desert. Let’s face it, budgets can be a real buzzkill. Imagine all the exciting things you could buy, such as a fancy new gadget, from Cardtonic, movie tickets, or a spontaneous Eastern holiday (hello, Bali!). But instead, you are grabbing onto your hats and calculating…! Saving money does not have to be...
Maximizing Setbacks
These days it’s easy to come across articles on how to be successful. It’s what we all desire, to win; nobody wants to be associated with failing, not even me. Unfortunately, life is full of surprises, and we are rarely prepared for setbacks because who plans in life anticipating failure? With the few years I’ve spent on earth, I’ve learnt to accept setbacks as part of...
A Word Without Synonyms
Forgiveness is not synonymous with justice. We’re the most fascinating people. We understand what is real and just. We have morals, standards, and laws. We have a fixed way of dealing with moral and legal situations. But now and then, we decide to turn it upside down. Until it happens to you, the law is the law. As a formerly close-knit and communal society, we had our elders decide on...
The Endless Pursuit of Learning: Why it Doesn’t Exhaust the Mind
In the pursuit of knowledge, there is a common misconception that continuous learning can exhaust the mind. However, quite the contrary, the learning process is a boundless journey that expands the mind’s horizons, invigorates curiosity, and fuels personal growth. The possibilities of development of our mind are endless; hence, the saying by Leonardo da Vinci – “Learning never...
Managing Physical Effects of Stress at Work
Hey guys👋 So it’s a new week, and some of us are just starting a new shift; some of us have already been working over the weekend. I bet we all have something in common, though; the stress that comes from sitting for long hours is inevitable!😩 From the discomfort in your back to the sharp pain that builds up in your waist from the pressure of sitting down for so long. And...
Our friend Beans
Dieting, which is almost equally crucial for maintaining physical fitness and health as cardiac exercise and weight training, is frequently discussed in the context of weight loss. However, for some reason, when the subject of nutrients comes up, people feel compelled to point out that beans have a more extensive carbohydrate content than protein. Although the statement is true, why do we bring...
Love Recipe Or Imagination? 🤔
LOVE isn’t as easy as we all see it on social media, but here’s the thing, what really excites you when you watch these love scenes or videos on the internet or in movies? Here’s a not-so-broad list of what most women look out for that immediately tickles their fantasies. 1. THE P.D.A(the kisses, hugs to mention but a few) As a huge fan of love, the first thing that strikes me is the public show...
A Good Sleep
Having a good night’s sleep is as essential as having a balanced diet or regular exercise. Depriving yourself a good night’s sleep has a lot of side effects. It could affect the brain’s functionality; gaining weight is another effect and could increase the chances of diseases in a child or adult. Research shows that not sleeping well immediately affects our hormones, exercise...