CategorySelf Development

What Stands in the Way, Becomes the Way


Life often presents obstacles that seem insurmountable, challenges that test our will and resilience. However, there exists a philosophy that suggests these obstacles, instead of being roadblocks, can serve as pathways to growth and success. This principle, “What stands in the way becomes the way,” illustrates the wisdom of transforming obstacles into opportunities.  Primarily, this...



THIS ARTICLE WAS CO-WRITTEN BY GODSWILL & ANGEL Gambling is an act of wagering a particular amount of money on a possible outcome. It also involves staking something of value with the knowledge of risk and a hope gain on the possible outcome of a game or an event who result may be ascertained by chance or accident. AS A SIDE HUSTLE Sports betting is the act of wagering on the outcome of a...

Failure’s Gambit: A Catalyst for Risk-Taking


Failure is a word that often conjures negative emotions, but in the realm of success and growth, it has a paradoxical relationship with risk-taking. The more you fail, the more you want to take risks. This counterintuitive connection reveals the transformative power of failure and how it can fuel a relentless pursuit of innovation and achievement. One of the fundamental reasons behind this...

Mindset Shapes Everything


In the grand symphony of life, the most influential conductor is your mindset. It is the orchestra that plays the tune of your reality, guiding your actions and shaping your destiny. Whether you believe in the possibility of success or dwell in a realm of doubt, your mindset is the anchor to achieving your goals. A positive mindset is a cornerstone of personal and professional success. It is the...



But I being pure, I have only my dreams.  I spread my dreams underneath your feet. I tried softly because you’ve threatened my dreams. I assume you’ve dream pressed it.    With struggle I rise as many times as I fall because I have always known that dreams are not what you see in your sleep alone, but that which does not let you sleep.  Though you’ve tried to make me see that...

Carpe Diem: Welcoming Life’s Fleeting Nature


In the busy journey of life, the reminder of our mortality can sometimes darken our hopes and daily pursuits. Oddly enough, embracing the unavoidable reality of the last curtain call, can propel us to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. It is a paradox, where the acknowledgement of an end becomes a driving force for a vibrant existence.  However, this consciousness nudges us to prioritize...

Building Greatness: The Puzzle of Masterpieces 


Creating a masterpiece is a journey through varied fragments of creativity, dedication, and skill. It is like solving a complex puzzle where every piece has its unique place and significance in forming the grand picture of greatness. It is the amalgamation of various fragments, ideas, and nuances that breathe life into what might seem ordinary on its own.  I define greatness as doing the...

The Journey of Time our feet are yet to walk


Do you ever look around and wonder where time has gone?  You wonder how did I get so old?  and wonder what happened to your dreams, did they happen yet? and if they have happened, yay, I am so glad for you. And I hope you are happy. Are you happy though? Is there happiness to have at the end of all this? Would you tell us if we are walking a path where there’s some happiness at the end, or are...



Just like the astronaut, floated out in space, surrounded by the endless darkness and silence of the cosmos, so was I,  on this fateful day, lost in thoughts, thinking about my life, how I will make mama proud, what have I not done to be successful yet it looks as though life is not fair to me, how will I eventually be a man and a man of my woman’s dream, series of pictures flying through...

Smiled once again…


I receive more than 1,000 letters and mails every month, at the office. All of these letters and mails pass through my own hands. I stay up all nights reading and responding. After my promotion, I had to move into a new office and take over some special duties, coupled with the ones I had already. I saw written letters that were dumped somewhere inside the new office which no one had opened nor...