AuthorBlackie, The eternally confused.

My name is Chinenye Nsianya. And in recent times there's not so much about me to say. I loved reading. I loved walking. Now i just exist. There isn't a lot that I do that gives me joy right now. I am making a commited process and i shall update you as it goes. This is what i will be writing about. A journey of growth and self confidence.

Works of literature and audacity


As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves with more time on our hands than we know what to do with.  And a way to spend it would be with family. But even with family, we want to spend time by ourselves. And so I propose reading new fiction. Travel into a time and era you would never experience. The past is gone and so we call them history. And historical genres are one we can only imagine...



 It is the season of joy and laughter. A time to rest and bond with family. A time to rest and plan for the new year. In all your jaiye and Detty December, remember to rest. Stay home and see a movie with the kids or a significant other. Read a book and sip some wine or tea. Take a walk in the early morning; hopefully, the harmattan will come. Listen to some calming songs. Let the wind play on...

Cardtonic indeed bridges the gap!


THIS ARTICLE WAS CO-WRITTEN BY BLACKIE & UCHECHI “I am never using that company and their app ever again!” Jide fumed. His expression visibly spoke fury. “What do I do now?” He continued. He stood with his hands akimbo; I watched him from my dresser and he probably didn’t notice my presence. “What’s wrong Jidechukwu?” I enquired, coming to meet him where he stood. “I tried to trade my gift...

Scents, Music, Seasons and Memories


Memories are a stronger emotion than love. A current significant other might be judged in favor of a past partner. Our memories playing a trick on us. We remember people by scents, shared music interests, and the season of time we spent together. Some people prefer the rainy season to the harmattan. Some of us might enjoy the snow, others not at all. We might love the beach, but others are...

Cultures, Tribes, and Empires


We are defined deeply by where we are born and raised by whom we are born to, and how we are raised. A Han Chinese man born and raised in Nigeria will behave differently from one born and raised in China. Locations are the main definers of who we are. Our cultures influence our morals and the lens through which we see the world. Many great dynasties have existed through time, some stronger and...

Hey Expenses: Abeg na


The growing cost of living is about to choke the living. And sadly a large percentage of our primary expenses go into the expense of feeding. To reduce your expenses, buying food in bulk just might help.  And that is why I’m sharing with you means and ways to preserve the food you bought with your hard-earned money to avoid wasting it. In trying to store foods properly, it is important to...

The Journey of Time our feet are yet to walk


Do you ever look around and wonder where time has gone?  You wonder how did I get so old?  and wonder what happened to your dreams, did they happen yet? and if they have happened, yay, I am so glad for you. And I hope you are happy. Are you happy though? Is there happiness to have at the end of all this? Would you tell us if we are walking a path where there’s some happiness at the end, or are...

Tomato and Nigerians: the relationship 


If you have ever stepped foot on Nigerian soil then you know that tomato is one of our true loves. Tomato is in a one-sided relationship with Nigerians where it isn’t acknowledged to be the greatest and truest of all times that it is.  All Nigerians read “most”, love tomato but no one loves it anymore than the Yoruba people. They eat tomatoes with everything, like everything. And then...

Fare Thee Well


The finality of Death is so annoyingly- final.  One minute here, the next minute, good for good. The second most pivotal point of any human life. It’s the end of chances, the end of efforts, the end of tries. The end of hope.  And most definitely the end of love. Because love is what you do, give and share. You receive as well as give it.  And when one dies, it ends.  You can do nothing but...

The tremendous joy of a new Life


So innocent.  So blank. So beautiful 
So squished. 
So worthy. 
A new life. 
A newborn. 
Unending possibilities. 
A new slate. 
Stories yet untold. 
Joys yet to face. 
Tears yet to cry. 
Fears yet to feel. 
Regrets not made. Yet. 
So very unfinal. 
So very undecided. 
Life at Its Best. 
A new beginning, we hope, is greatness.