AuthorBlackie, The eternally confused.

My name is Chinenye Nsianya. And in recent times there's not so much about me to say. I loved reading. I loved walking. Now i just exist. There isn't a lot that I do that gives me joy right now. I am making a commited process and i shall update you as it goes. This is what i will be writing about. A journey of growth and self confidence.

A Word Without Synonyms 


Forgiveness is not synonymous with justice. We’re the most fascinating people. We understand what is real and just. We have morals, standards, and laws. We have a fixed way of dealing with moral and legal situations. But now and then, we decide to turn it upside down. Until it happens to you, the law is the law.  As a formerly close-knit and communal society, we had our elders decide on...

How Far is 6°of Separation ?


“Less than six degrees of separation exist between you and several million strangers who you may or may not encounter in your lifetime. When we understand the structure of this communication net, we stand to grasp a good deal more about the fabric of society. Maybe it’s not necessarily justified, this common human complaint. The feeling that we’re all cut off, alienated, and...

Our friend Beans


Dieting, which is almost equally crucial for maintaining physical fitness and health as cardiac exercise and weight training, is frequently discussed in the context of weight loss. However, for some reason, when the subject of nutrients comes up, people feel compelled to point out that beans have a more extensive carbohydrate content than protein. Although the statement is true, why do we bring...

SISTA: A Reflection of Our Society – In Part.


Excellence is divine and beautiful to behold, and Biodun Stephen reflects that so well in SIsta. A prophet not being respected in his hometown is something I do not do with African arts. I want it to be excellent; I want to love it and talk about it, and every once in a while, a Nigerian Creative puts so much joy in my heart. And today, it’s Biodun Stephen making my heart leap. And with joy...