The tremendous joy of a new Life


So innocent.  So blank. So beautiful 

So squished. 

So worthy. 

A new life. 

A newborn. 

Unending possibilities. 

A new slate. 

Stories yet untold. 

Joys yet to face. 

Tears yet to cry. 

Fears yet to feel. 

Regrets not made. Yet. 

So very unfinal. 

So very undecided. 

Life at Its Best. 

A new beginning, we hope, is greatness.

About the author

Blackie, The eternally confused.

My name is Chinenye Nsianya. And in recent times there's not so much about me to say. I loved reading. I loved walking. Now i just exist. There isn't a lot that I do that gives me joy right now. I am making a commited process and i shall update you as it goes. This is what i will be writing about. A journey of growth and self confidence.

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