Nobody’s Got It All Together (But That’s Okay!)


No one actually has their life perfectly figured out.

Shocking, right?  We scroll through social media seeing these amazing highlight reels of people traveling the world, acing their careers, and rocking flawless relationships, and it’s easy to feel like we’re falling short. But here’s the truth: everyone is winging it, even those who seem to have it all. So let’s let go of the expectation that we should have a pre-planned blueprint for our existence. Here I am offering advice to my friend, who is really all of us

Embrace the glorious mess, Life is messy, unpredictable, and sometimes throws curveballs that would make a professional pitcher jealous. Instead of freaking out, learn to roll with the punches and find the humor in the chaos.

Ditch the comparisons, let me take this a little more personal. There was a friend of mine from way back. I saw her Instagram feed was so aesthetic and had the number of followers I wished for. We started chatting, and after hours of conversation, I took a deep breath. Hmmmm, it was in that moment I realized it’s not all gold. Social media is a highlight reel, not reality. Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes bloopers to someone else’s carefully curated perfection. Focus on your own journey and celebrate your wins, big and small.

Be kind to yourself, We all make mistakes. We all have moments of doubt. We have all fallen in love with the wrong person at some point. But instead of beating yourself up,practise some self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a friend.

Remember, we’re all just figuring things out as we go. There’s no rule book, and that’s the beauty of it. So, embrace the mess, celebrate your journey, and be kind to yourself (and your friends who are also totally winging it).

Now, my brethren! Go forth and conquer your beautifully imperfect life! 

About the author

Glory pius

Glory is a tech-savvy content writer who is passionate about everything digital. She has an insatiable thirst for all things technological. She is a skilled manager who can navigate the transactional world by day, but at night, she lets her creativity run wild as a writer and content creator. She writes compelling pieces while fusing her passion for technology, learning, culture, food, and digital skills. She has a bachelor's degree in business education. Glory is an enthusiastic supporter of communication and is aware of the significant influence that words—spoken or written—can have. She mixes together captivating and informative blog pieces that attract readers and leaves them wanting more because she has a keen interest in all things digital related and is a gift for storytelling. Join her on this thrilling journey as she explores the world of technology, sharing captivating tales & tips and offering insightful advice on the rapidly evolving field of digital skills. Be prepared for an amazing experience as Glory's words transport you into a universe of knowledge and creativity.

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